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Berlin Mosque & Mission
Berlin Mosque in the 1920s

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History of the Berlin Mosque and Mission

See the compilation:

Prominent historical visitors to the Berlin Mosque, including Nobel laureates Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Herman Hesse.

90 years of the Berlin Mosque

Die Berliner Moschee is a 30-page booklet in English, published in October 2014, chronicling the history of the Berlin Mosque. It begins with the background to the building of this Mosque and takes the account up to the present times.

Click on the image of the cover of the book, shown below, to open the book in pdf format.

Cover of booklet

Articles and news from the archives

In the list below, we have made accessible articles and items of news from the archives of magazines and newspapers relating to the Berlin Mosque and Mission and the work of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Lahore in Berlin. Images of the original printed items can be seen through the links below. The Light was the English organ of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore, published from Lahore, which started publication in December 1921.

From before the Second World War

Regular reports:

From after the Second World War

  1. Berlin Mosque survives the Second Wold War
  2. Reuter’s report on the re-opening of the Berlin Mosque under new Imam in 1949
  3. Islam in Germany, by Muhammad Aman Hobohm (from The Islamic Review, August 1951, pages 11–17)