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Some events in brief during January & February 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
January 2016
1st January
A local German Mr. Terston visited our mosque in November 2015 and showed his intention to embrace Islam. He was to marry a Muslim lady. Mr. Mudassar asked him to learn teachings of Islam and presented him a copy of the Holy Quran and Religion of Islam . After having read these books for two months on 1st January 2016 he embraced Islam at the hands of Mr. Mudasar in our Mosque. Al hamdu lillah.
At that moment our brother Akhtar Ali Khan sahib was also present as witness of his marriage as well.
12th January
On Tuesday 12th January, the District Mayor of Charlottenburg organized Annual Interfaith meeting in which we were also invited. The theme was “Interfaith Discussion and Dialogue.” At the end of the meeting Mr. Mudassar distributed the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz among all participants.
13th January
On 13th January a group of 12 ladies from Elderly hospital visited our Mosque. They asked questions about Islam, Paris accident and new year night accident in Germany etc. They were very happy to know about true teaching of Islam being presented by AAIIL.
21st January
On 21st January, Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie invited Mr. Mudassar for its annual meeting. This visit was quite fruitful in developing close relations with them. We informed them that our Mosque is keen to develop close relations with all religious institutions, particularly in Berlin. Our presence was appreciated.

22nd January
On 22nd January students of School of Fashion and Media Berlin visited the mosque. They were preparing a documentary for the school. The topic was very interesting: ‘Refugees or Rapefugees.’ On New Year night Muslim refugees in Köln attacked young girls which had bad impact on German public. Mr. Mudassar explained to them in detail that this incident has nothing to do with Islam. It was act of some individuals and it should be taken in that light. They were satisfied and were all in praise of our ideology.
27th January–28th January
On 27th January a group of 40 students from LKG Eben-Ezer Berlin School along with their Teachers visited the Mosque. Mr. Mudassar presented brief history of the mosque and introduction to Islam. Later they asked questions about Islam mainly about equal rights of women in Islam. All participants were presented flyers about history of the mosque.
On 28th January a group of 50 students from Evangelisches Gymnasium Kleinmachnow School along with their teachers visited the Mosque. Mr. Mudassar presented a brief history of Mosque and introduction to Islam. After the presentation an interesting question/answer session was conducted.

29th January
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL Berlin invited the Imam to deliver a speech in dialogue the theme of which was: “Peace mentioned in scripture but why do we not have peace in religions.” Mr. Mudassar presented the speech on behalf of the Imam. Our approach to this topic was appreciated by all participants. All speakers mentioned that Islamic ideology of peace is the one which can make peace in whole world.

February 2016
1st February
A group of small children, age 4 to 5 years, from a primary School along with their teacher visited the Mosque. A brief presentation about the history of the Mosque and the religion of Islam was given by Mudassar Aziz, acting-Imam. Later on, tea and biscuits were served to the children. All participants enjoyed the visit.

7th February
This year the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore, Germany, hosted an interfaith brunch on 7th February. The main aim was of the programme was to get to know and encounter people and organizations of various faiths and to respect each others places of worship. Mr. Mudassar Aziz presented a Powerpoint presentation about the history of the Mosque. It was a good opportunity to learn about traditions and faiths of the various communities. All participants shared prayers, good wishes and thanked AAIIL Germany for hosting the brunch and organizing such a useful event. The Interfaith Brunch is planned at least once a year by UN World Interfaith.
17th February
A group of evangelistic church members visited the Mosque. Mr. Mudassar gave them detailed information about Islam and our point of view. All visitors asked questions about Islam and Ahmadiyyat. They were happy to know about real teachings of Islam and resolved to visit next time with a larger group.

20th February
On 20th February Dr Jonker, a scholar and historian, visited the Mosque with Ismat Syedda Hussain who is daughter and grand-daughter of a family who converted to Islam in 1947 in our historic Mosque. She also visited the room where her grandmother was hiding during the Second World War. She was much delighted to visit the place which has a spiritual connection with her family members.

26th February
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL Berlin invited our acting-Imam Mudassar Aziz to deliver a speech in their dialogue. This time the theme of the dialogue was: “The reasons of belief which respective religious scriptures can provide to Believers.” This programme was very informative and interesting. We have developed strong relationship with this organization.
