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Lange Nacht der Religionen
‘Long Night of Religions’ at the Berlin Mosque, 29 August 2015
Report and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
‘Long Night’ is an annual event celebrated every year in Berlin. In this event people of all faiths participate. To attend this event on behalf of the Lahore Ahmadiyya community were the following — from Pakistan: The Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, Mr and Mrs Sheikh Umer Farooq, Mr Ch. Saadat Ahmad; from the UK: Mr Syed Nasir Ahmad with his four grandsons Inshaal, Faizan, Irfaan, Shayaan as volunteer helpers, Mr Shahid Aziz, Mr Azhar-ud-Din Ahmad and family; from Holland: Mr A.S. Santoe, Mr Henk Gadger and Mr Mudassar Aziz; from Frankfurt: Mr Abdul Aziz.
During the day, Mr Shahid Aziz and I attended the white table ceremony of Long Night in the open space in the centre of Berlin. We had chance to discuss about our Movement with people of other faiths, including the Sikh and the Jewish communities. We had the opportunity to promote Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman. The person in charge of the whole event, Dr Thomas, specially welcomed us and thanked us for our participation and being a part of the event.
The programme in the Berlim Mosque started at 5 pm and ended after midnight at 12.30. We had to keep the Mosque open throughout this time. More than two hundred people of all faiths visited the mosque in groups.
At the beginning prayers were said, led by Hazrat Ameer. The visitors observed us praying. Hazrat Ameer prayed for world peace.
The programme started with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Mr Nasir Ahmad. Its translation into German was done by Mr Inshaal Ahmad. He is well-versed in the German language and is a devoted young man. Then I gave a presentation about the history of the Mosque. Later on, questions asked by the audience were answered.
Groups of people kept on coming till midnight. The same programme was repeated twice. More than 70 copies of the German translation of the Quran were distributed among visitors. 150 flyers about the history of the Berlin Mosque were distributed. A very attractive and informative flyer has been prepared and printed by the Central Anjuman, Lahore. It was much appreciated by all. The programme ended with a prayer by Hazrat Ameer at 12.30, just after midnight.
It is the first time that leading members of the Central Anjuman of the Lahore Ahrmadiyya Movement were present on the eve of the Long night of Religions being celebrated at the Berlin Mosque.
It was a very successful event, and I thank all those members, senior and junior, who came to the Mosque to help in the holding of this function.
‘Long Night’, 29th August
Earlier in the Day photographs

The Imam meeting the Co-Ordinator of Long Night

The Imam speaks to head of the Jewish community

The Imam speaks to members of the Jewish community
The Long Night evening at the Berlin Mosque

Lahore Ahmadiyya officials in foreground, group of visitors in the background

A group of visitors

Visitors watching presentation by the Imam, who is at the pulpit

Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya, Dr A.K. Saeed (right), presenting translation of the Quran to some visitors. Imam Amir Aziz is on the left.

Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya, Dr A.K. Saeed (right), presenting translation of the Quran to a visitor

A visitor being presented with translation of the Quran by Mr Umer Farooq

The Imam talking to a visitor

The Imam discussing Islam with a visitor
Friday prayers at the Mosque, 28th August

Awaiting start of the sermon

Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya, Dr A.K. Saeed, delivering the sermon

Listening to the sermon

Getting ready for the prayer

Getting ready for prayer

End of the prayers
Some of the Lahore Ahmadiyya volunteers who travelled to Berlin from U.K., Pakistan and Holland
to help
