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Open Days, 25–26 October 2014
Open days at the Berlin Mosque were held on Saturday and Sunday, 25–26 October 2014.
(Note: On Saturday evening, the Open Day on Sunday was announced in a television news bulletin. This news bulletin could be seen on the broadcaster’s website for a few days at this link. It was the second item in the broadcast, listed as Moschee in Wilmersdorf lädt zum 90. Geburtstag ein: ‘Mosque in Wilmersdorf invites for 90th birthday’.)
A video clip (.wmv file) of the Open Day on Sunday 26 October can be played at the following links. It is 1 min 30 secs long and opens in a new window:
Photographs from the Open Day on 26 October
Below: Three general scenes of visitors to the Mosque.

Below: Visitors reading the poster about the history of the Mosque.

Below: Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, Dr A.K. Saeed talking to a visitor.

Below: From left, Shaikh Khalid Iqbal, Mr Nasir Ahmad, Dr A.K. Saeed, a couple visiting the mosque, and Dr Zahid Aziz (webmaster of this website).

Below: Dr A.K. Saeed and Dr Zahid Aziz with some visitors. The elderly gentleman in the centre of the photo told that he first saw the Mosque as a boy in the year 1940.

Below: Dr A.K. Saeed shows how the Holy Quran is written to two visitors.

In the two photographs below, Mr Amir Aziz, General Secretary at the Centre of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement talks to visitors.

On Saturday 25th October, a television broadcaster came to the Mosque to make film shots to announce the Sunday Open Day in their evening news bulletin (see top of this page). Below, they are filming the calling out of the Azan (Call to Prayer).
