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Some events in brief during March & April 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
March 2016
1st March 2016
Local School from Berlin visited the mosque. Mr. Mudassar presented a brief introduction of the mosque and Islam. Students asked questions about Islam, Paris incident and new year night incident in Germany. It was explained that all these incidents have nothing to do with Islam. They were happy to know about true teachings of Islam.
3rd March 2016
Students of Campus Berufsbildung e.V. (Vocational Training Trust) along with their teachers visited the Mosque. Brief history of the Mosque and introduction to Islam was presented to them. Later the participants asked questions about Islam, mainly about rights of women.
4th March 2016
Referentin für feministische Politik und Kulturpolitik (Consultant for feminist politics and cultural policy) had invited Mudassar to a seminar. Topic of the discussion was Women in Religion. In a question/answer session he explained the position of women in Islam.
8th March 2016
Evangelische-Lutherische Kirche from Finland (Evangelic Church of Finland) visited the mosque. Visitors were presented a brief history of the mosque and introduction to Islam. Later they asked questions about history of our movement. They also asked questions about the Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement.
12th March 2016
A group of 20 students and teachers of different Universities from Sweden visited the mosque. They were given a presentation for one hour, which was appreciated. All participants were given the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz.
Mr. Mudassar was invited to an exhibition in Zossen organized by local government. It was organized in the city where Germany’s first mosque was built in 1912. Mudassar was introduced as official representative of the oldest working mosque in Germany. This was a very informative event.
18th March 2016
Berlin based musical group visited the mosque to record Azan. They are working on a project Call for Prayer in Religions. I asked an Iraqi brother who regularly comes for Jumah prayer for Azan. They were mesmerized by the acoustics of the Mosque.
25th March 2016
Danish YMCA students visited the mosque. They were given detailed explanation about Islam and message of Hazrat Mirza Sahib to propagate Islam peacefully in world. They were interested in knowing Hazrat Mirza sahib’s ideology about making peace in the world. Later they asked questions about the current issue of Syria. The concept of jihad was explained to them. The book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz was presented to them.
31st March 2016
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL: Berlin invited Mudassar Aziz to deliver a speech in a dialogue Theme: What is the role of religions leaders in order to achieve peace. He presented Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s ideology in the light of his book Paigham-i-Sulha (Message of Peace). Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s approach to this topic was appreciated by all participants.
Photographs from March occasions

April 2016
4 April 2016
A group of 18 visitors from Norway with a local guide from Berlin visited the mosque. They came to know about our mosque through an article written as Hidden Beauty of Berlin in a Norway magazine. They asked questions about equality of women in Islam and our community’s position in Islam. I explained both question in the light of the Quran and other scriptures.
6th April 2016
A group of old people from an Old People’s House visited the mosque. They were given a brief presentation about the Mosque and the religion of Islam.
10th April 2016
Anne Meldgaard, a journalist from Denmark, visited the mosque. She interviewed Mr. Mudassar and the priest of the Danish church. It was was published in a Denmark newspaper. After the interview she was presented the books The Religion of Islam by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib and Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz.
15th April 2016
Annie Hauser school students visited the mosque. A brief presentation about Islam and history of the mosque was given. Later on a Q&A session was conducted. They asked questions about heaven and hell, why God is unseen and the current issue of Syria. They were presented with the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz.
20th April 2016
Students from Loughborough University UK visited the mosque. The theme of their tour was ‘Migration’. A brief presentation about the mosque was given. Later they asked question about differences between our Jammat and the Qadiani Jammat. They were presented with the book The True Succession by Dr. Zahid Aziz.
24th April 2016
Konfirmandengruppe, Evanglische Christen students visited the mosque. A brief presentation and Q&A session was conducted. They asked questions about the current issue of Syria. They were presented with the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz.
26th April 2016
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL: Berlin invited Mr. Mudassar to deliver a speech in a dialogue Theme: War and Peace stated in each religious text. This dialogue was very fruitful. Many participants appreciated the meaning of Jihad presented by our Jammat.
28th April 2016
It was a great day. A granddaughter of the architect Karl Augustus Herman, who had designed and built the Mosque, visited the mosque on 28 April. She was very happy and proud to be in the Mosque. She is standing left to Mr. Mudassar in the last photo below.
Photographs from April occasions
