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Some events in brief during May 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Merian School Berlin
On 9th May students and teachers of Merian School from Berlin visited the Mosque. A presentation about Islam and the Mosque history was presented. The Quran was presented for School Library.
University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Berlin
On Friday 13th May teachers and students from the University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Berlin, came to listen to the Friday Sermon. They were impressed by our view of Islam. They joined the Friday prayer as well. After prayer we had a good discussion. With Allah’s blessings they shared their opinion that this Islam is need of this country.

Meeting with Dr. Ronen Editor
On 15th May Dr. Ronen Steinke, Editor Foreign Policy of Süddeutsche Zeitungm, one of the main newspaper of South Germany, visited the Mosque. He works in München which is six hours away from Berlin. He is interested in the history of AAIIL Germany. We had a two hour long meeting. He interviewed me regarding the history of Ahmadiyya. I presented him with the Quran, History of Ahmadiyya in Europe, History of the Berlin Mosque by Syed Nasir Ahmad, and the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr.Zahid Aziz. He will write an article about the visit.

Lecture to Intellectuals
Thursday 19th May 2016 was a great day for our Mission in Berlin. More than sixty men and women organized an alumnae programme in our Mosque. It included those who got scholarships to study in various parts of the world. We had one and a half hour session in the Mosque. I was asked to explain the “Philosophy of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with respect to Western World.” With Allah’s blessings it went very well. Almost everybody asked questions and the sessions lasted long.
Later on they had arranged dinner and socializing programme. The whole discussion was about Islam, AAIIL and Hazrat Mirza sahib’s role. It was my first encounter with intellectuals. The group included people from Bulgaria, Iran and Germany. The Quran was presented to the interested participants.

Danish Students visit
Same day 59 students from Veile School Ungdoms Center, Denmarkk, with their teachers visited in the morning. There was a one hour lecture about Islam followed by question/answer session.
It was great day that in one day hundred people visited the mosque and received our message of Islam.

Visit and Lecture to the Students of University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
Students along with their teacher, Holly Brining, who is Ph.D. Instructor of German Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Minnesota, Duluth, visited the Mosque on 24th May 2016. They asked for a lecture about Islam and history of the Mosque. This was followed by a Question/Answer session. It was a very interesting programme as students and teachers were challenging. The teacher was presented with a copy of the German translation of Holy Quran for the university library. She thanked us for the gift.

Visit and Lecture to the Students and Teachers of Mississippi State, USA
A group of students and teachers from Mississippi USA visited the Mosque on 26th May without any appointment. The group included a Pakistani student who wanted to visit theMosque. She was a very enthusiastic student and after the lecture and visit the whole group thanked her saying: “Abeer, you really made our day.” It was a very interesting session. The group was presented with the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr Zahid Aziz.

Interview with Indonesian TV one Reporter
A TV reporter of Indonesia TV One channel visited the Mosque for all almost three hours. She recorded my brief interview and made a documentary about the Mosque. She was presented with books. This programme will be broadcast in Indonesia during this Ramadan.
