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Events in December 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. Visit of Group from Spain
A group of four tourists visited the Mosque on 7th December. They were informed about the history of Mosque and the AAIIL. They were presented with booklets as well.

2. Visit of Hochschule Wirtschaft Berlin
On 8th December students of the Bachelor degree programme of the above mentioned University visited the Mosque. We had a very important programme. Students came prepared with references of the Holy Quran regarding Jihad and death penalty for apostates. It was a very long and interesting session. Their Professor thanked us for the clarification. They were presented with booklets.

3. Group of Volkhoch Schule
A group of Volkhoch School Berlin visited the Mosque on 9th December with my teacher. It is the same school where I go for my German language course. This group comprised of people from Berlin, China, Vietnam, Syria, Turkey, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. These are all my class fellows as well. They were all much enthusiastic to have a presentation and asked questions. They were all presented with leaflets.
4. Group from District Office
On 11th December a group of employees of the District office of our District visited and had a presentation about the history of Mosque and the AAIIL. We had a fruitful question answer session which clarified their misunderstandings about Islam.
5. Visit of Dr. Gerdien Jonker
On 12th December Prof Dr. Gerdein Jonker visited the Mosque with two distinguished guests. The lady guest is an author and the gentleman works with monument projects. They were given presentations. Dr. Jonker explained to them the history of all the photos and also prominent personalities seen in the photos. They were presented with books about history of Berlin Mosque written by Syed Nasir Ahmad sahib and Mr. Manfred Yahya. They were really happy to know about our activities.

6. Visit of Director of Korean Organization
On 15th December the Director of the Korean organisation HWPL from Korea visited Berlin and he specially requested to visit our Mosque because our organization is actively participating in their interfaith activities. He thanked me and the AAIIL for support of their peaceful activities in Berlin. It was a very beneficial meeting and his visit provided opportunity for us to explain our point of view.
7. Visit of Church Students
On 28th December a group of Church students visited the Mosque to celebrate their Christmas while learning about Islam, history of the Mosque and the AAIIL. It went very well and they were jubilant to know about Islam and the Quran. They were presented with literature as well.
Photographs of various visiting groups, December 2016
