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Events in November 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. Participation in Annual Conference of Berliner Forum of Religions
On 8th November 2016 the Annual Conference of all religions in Berlin was organized in the mayor of Berlin Rathaus. Representatives of all religions participated in the conference. AAIIL was represented by me and with Allah’s blessings it was a very successful participation. Representatives of all religions were introduced to our Mission. A Ph.D. scholar from India showed interest in our Mission and asked for my interview.

2. Interview by Ph.D. Scholar
On 9th November Mr. Kashmir Singh, an Indian Ph.D. scholar, visited the mosque and had my interview for one hour. The main topic was how Islam came to Germany and the role of our Movement and Mosque in it. He was presented with the book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz.

3. Visit of Forum Unna group
Forum Unna is an organization which arranges seminars and visits for working people from all over Germany. It arranges trips and seminars for working officials. On 17th November Forum Unna organizers visited the mosque with a group of twenty officials and we had a one and a half hour long discussion about Islam, AAIIL and history of the Mosque. After a Powerpoint presentation the long discussion and question/answer session was held. It went very successfully. As the group comprised of people from various cities of Germany, our message went far and wide.

4. An other Article about the Mosque
An article in a newspaper (Die Stadtteilzeitung) about our Mosque was published by a journalist Elfie Hartmann. She visited the Mosque and asked for information about the history of the Mosque. She is a literary person and wrote her article in a literary style with the heading An Exotic House. She visited a second time as well and brought the newspaper for me. She was presented with literature about the history of the AAIIL as she intends to write more about it.

5. Visit of a group from Denmark
A group of students from Denmark studying to become teachers in Danish public schools visited the Mosque on 22nd November. They were accompanied by Mr. Hans Krab Koed Lektor, Associate Professor, UC SYD. They enjoyed the Powerpoint presentation about the history of the AAIIL and the Mosque. The students asked many questions about Islam and the AAIIL, and it was a good discussion for one and an half hour.

6. Meeting with President of Berlin Police
On 25th November I was invited by the President of the Berlin Police. Representatives of other religions and organizations also attended the event. He addressed the audience and informed them about the integration and refugee situations. He offered assistance of his office in case of any emergency. He told me that he was very happy for our participation in the programme as he had sent his staff to deliver a letter personally to the Imam of the Mosque. It was a very important meeting and shows the significance of our role in society.

7. Radio Interview in Germany and France
On 29th November, Deutsch-Französische Radiowerkstatt broadcast an interview in German and French. This radio broadcasts programmes in both languages and to both countries. With Allah’s blessings it went very well. The team thanked us for the interview and appreciated the AAIIL interpretation of Islam. The title of the programme was: God, Yahweh, Allah — how much influence do we give religions in our society?
8. WRAP Interfaith Meeting
On 29th November 2016 an Interfaith programme was organized by the Korean organization WRAP. This time the subject of each presentation was: ‘Holy Scripture and consequences when it is not referred to’. Representatives of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam participated in the debate. I represented Muslims and with Allah’s blessings the AAIIL view was appreciated by all participants.
