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Events in October 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. Mosque Open Day in Germany
3rd October 2016 was Open Day of Mosques in Germany. This day is also the commemoration of the Unification of West and East Germany. The Government announced it as Open Day for the Mosques. We also participated and Mosque was kept open from 11:00 to 5:00 pm. With the blessings of Allah, more than 150 people visited the mosque and attended the presentation. Question/Answer sessions were conducted. Leaflets and literature was distributed.
See photographs below

2. Acceptance of Islam
With the blessings of Allah and prayers of Hazrat Ameer, on 7th October 2016 Mr. Andreas Riehle accepted Islam on my hand. With the grace of God he is the 6th person who accepted Islam since 1st May 2016. Hazrat Ameer has given him the Islamic name Adnan. Please pray that may Allah help him to become a true and practicing Muslim.

3. Visit of group from Israel
On 9th October 2016 a group from Israel visited the Mosque. They were interested in the history of the Mosque and were impressed by the mission and its contribution in the society. They asked questions about how we are promoting the teachings in the current situation.

4. Visit by group of young Rabwah Jamaat members
On 9th October a group of young members of the Rabwah Jamaat visited the Mosque. They were informed about the history of Mosque and also the differences between the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the Rabwah Jamaat. They were visiting Berlin from another city of Germany.

5. Meeting of representatives of all religions
On 10th October a meeting of representatives of all religions, AKR, was held in our mosque. This organization is the oldest Interfaith organization in Berlin. In its formation and working our Mosque and Imams have played a significant role. Previous Imam Brother Muhammad Ali was the last person who actively participated in its meeting and he introduced me to the members. After many years its meeting was organized by our Mosque and we are in again. I gave a Powerpoint presentation about the history of AAIIL and Berlin Mosque after which a long agenda for two hours was discussed. This shows the importance of our Mosque.

6. Visit of Post-doctoral fellows
On the same day 10th October, Post-doctoral fellows from Forum Trans Regional Studies Art histories and Aesthetic practices Berlin visited the Mosque. We had a one hour discussion after my presentation about AAIIL. It was a very informative and beneficial programme. All Post-doctoral fellows were amazed to know about the main aim of the AAIIL and the history of the Mosque. In the photo on left you will find two scholars from India as well who were well aware of the Ahmadiyya Movement.

7. Visit of School from Munich (Munchen)
Benediktbever School from Munchen visited the Mosque on 16 October. It is very encouraging that this school visited from the city which is seven to eight hours journey from Berlin. They were given a presentation about Islam and AAIIL. The School management asked me to send this presentation to them so that they can show it in the School that this Mosque is a place of peace and Hope. I have included a photo of what they wrote in the Visitors Book, which is: “A Place of Peace and Hope”.

8. Visit of Freur Kreativitatkindergarten Berlin
On 20th October Freur Kindergarten visited the mosque and enjoyed the stay. They were entertained in the Mission house:

9. Press conference
On Friday 21 October 2016 a press conference was arranged in the Mosque. With the blessings of Allah we got a very impressive response. TV, radio and newspaper journalists came to the Mosque and we had a long session with them. I gave a presentation about the history of AAIIL and the Mosque. The architect and his office staff arranged the event and explained the renovation projects. All journalists were taken up to the roof to show them completion of first phase of renovation.
Rbb Radio and Television broadcast a programme about the Mosque and its renovation project. More than eight newspapers published interviews with the architect and with me in their articles about the Mosque. All articles stated the differences between the two sections of the Ahmadiyya Movement and also emntioned the sacrifice of members of AAIIL in constructing the Mosque in 1924
One newspaper gave the heading: “This is what the ladies sold their jewellery for”.
It is Allah’s blessings that the sacrifice of our ladies of old is acknowledged even by Germany. Almost all newspapers wrote half page articles. Samples of two newspapers Morgenpost and Tagesspiegel are given below:

10. Participation in in all Germany Hifz Competition Programme
The Arab community organized all-Germnay Hifz Competition in Berlin on 23 October. Out of non-Arabs only our Mosque was invited. I participated in the programme which was attended and presided over by Sheikh Shrawi of Al Azhar. The main organizer of the event, Mr. Gamdian, always offers Friday prayer in our Mosque. The Imam of another main mosque, Sheikh Khalid, has broadcast a programme about our Mosque on Arab TV and offered Friday prayesr with us. We discussed AAIIL and the difference between us and the Rabwah Jamaat. I presented him with a copy of the Arabic translation of The Ahmadiyya Movement by Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib. It was a good programme and I hope in future cooperation will increase with the Arab community.
