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A week of activities, 10–17 September 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
With the blessings of Allah one week of activities at the Berlin Mosque ended with great success. The international Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, with a delegation from Pakistan visited and participated in the activities. His presence made all events very successful. I thank all following members who specially participated in these events and assisted me in organizing these:
- Syed Nasir Ahmad, UK
- Azhar ud Din UK
- Mr and Mrs. Mustaq Ali and their daughter, UK
- Mr Inshaal Ahmad, UK
- Mr and Mrs. Mian Umer Farooq, Pakistan
- Mr Saadat Ahmad, Pakistan
- Major Iqbal Ahmad, Pakistan
- Mr. A.S.Santoe, Holland
- Mr Mudassir Aziz, Holland
- Mr and Mrs A. S. Hoeseni, Holland
- Ms. Galida Badeola Suriname
- Mr and Mrs Khurrum Saleem, Frankfurt, Germany
- Mudassir, grandson of late Prof Zafar Iqbal, Minal Ahmad, granddaughter of Prof.Zafar Iqbal, and aunty Amina Iqbal, widow of late Prof. Zafar Iqbal, Frankfurt Germany
- Mr Imran Mehmud from Germany
1. Open Day for Monuments
Each of 10th and 11th September 2016 was Monument Open Day. TheMosque was opened from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on both days. With the blessings of Allah, 451 people from all walks of life and of all age groups visited the Mosque. A powerpoint presentation about Islam, AAIIL and History of the Mosque was shown after every one hour. After every session, Hazrat Ameer talked about the peaceful teachings of Islam, which was followed by a Question and Answer session. It went so well that many misunderstandings about Islam and AAIIL were removed. I am quite sure all those who attended the sessions had their views about Islam completely changed. The Quran were distributed and every visitor was presented with a brochure about the Mosque and AAIIL.
See Open Day photographs below

From left: Imam of Berlin Mosque Amir Aziz and Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed at Open Day

2. Eid-ul-Adha
On 13th September Eid-ul-Adha was a grand programme. More than one hundred people of many religions participated. Head of the Roman Catholic Academy, Buddhist Community, Sikh Community, Head of the Long Night Programme, Danish Church priest and staff, Korean Organization members, Chinese Community members, and neighbors participated.
Hazrat Ameer’s sermon and Eid programme was broadcast live on Russian TV and also on Facebook. The sermon was translated into German, French and Arabic languages. All participants were given the translation in their language. Therefore, everyone appreciated his Eid Sermon. Later on a party was organized in the Mosque Garden. Uncle of the late Amjad Sabri, Mr Mehmood Sabri, also participated in the prayer.
See Eid-ul-Adha photographs below
People line up for prayers. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed is on the right at the pulpit

Below: Lunch after prayers

3. Long Night of Religions
On 17th September the ‘Long Night of Religions’ Berlin programme was a great success. It was inaugurated in an open space at 1:00 pm with the participation of leaders of all religious communities. I participated from AAIIL and presented our message.
More than 200 people visited the Mosque, which was kept opene from 5:00 pm till 12:00 midnight. The programme was inaugurated with Hazrat Ameer’s opening recitation of the Holy Quran. Powerpoint presentation was shown after every hour. All participants were presented with a brochure about the Mosque and AAIIL. The Quran were presented to interested visitors.
Prof. Dr Gerdien Jonker, a historian and well known author, also talked to people after my presentation and informed them about the history of the Mosque. Hazrat Ameer also delivered a lecture and answered questions. It was a great event. Presentation in Arabic was given to Arab visitors.
Mr Inshal Ahmad and Minal Ahmad are both well versed in the German language and gave presentations, which were appreciated by all. Muddasir Ahmad from Frankfurt helped in distributing the brochures. Programme ended with recitation of Holy Quran by Ms. Galida Badolea followed a fervent prayer by our most respected Syed Nasir Ahmad shaib. He recited prayers and translated them in English.
In this way in one week message of Islam and AAIIL was presented to more than 900 people. I am sure these visitors will have no more misunderstanding about Islam.
See Long Night of Religions photographs below
Showing Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed and Imam of Berlin Mosque Amir Aziz in various photos
