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Other events in September 2016
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. UNO Peace Prayer in Berlin
On 21 September I was invited to participate in annual UNO Peace Prayer programme. It was organized on Historic Brandenburg Tor Berlin, Silence Room. I was asked to pray on behalf of Muslim Community. Every one prayed and lit a candle. Later on all had a dinner together hosted by the organizers.
See photograph below

2. International group headed by Daniel Pipes visits
On 27th September 2016, God gave another great opportunity to present Islam and the teachings of AAIIL to a large group of people from many part of the world.
The group was headed by Daniel Pipes, President of Middle East Forum, Pennsylvania, USA. Participants were from USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, UK and other countries.The group is on a fact finding tour to Europe. I was asked to give a presentation about Islam, AAIIL and the Mosque in English. It created so much interest that programme lasted from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The programme was organized by Dr. Clemens, Director of The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism. Participants included PhD and human rights activists. A Pakistani lady, who is President of Council for Muslims facing tomorrow in Canada, was surprised to know about AAIIL as she had no idea about Lahori Jamaat.
During my presentation leader of the group stood up and explained that AAIIL is the group which is hope of the Western World. He told them that USA Organization by Elijah Muhammad and Farahkhan were actually off shoot of AAIIL. At that I also explained facts about the late Muhammad Ali boxer . He appreciated our ideology as a solution against Fundamentalism.
All participant took notes and took photo of each slide of the presentation. I specially mentioned Hazrat Mirza sahib’s book English Govt and Jihad and explained our view. It is all due to the enchanting teachings of Hazrat Mirza sahib that every one was satisfied and appreciated our Motto.
The book Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr Zahid Aziz was also presented.
See photographs below

3. Group of 25 visits Mosque
On 30th September 2016 after Friday Prayer a group of 25 people from Germany visited the Mosque. They were given a presentation about AAIIL and the Mosque. Multimedia presentation is proving very beneficial for this cause. They all were presented with a brochure. We had a question-answer session as well. It was clarified to them that Islam is a peaceful religion and our sole mission to present this message to every corner of world.
The man in extreme left in photograph is the leader of the group who usually brings groups to our mosque.
See photographs below
