Events in April 2018
Reports, photographs and brief video clips
Opening ceremony of Berlin Mosque after renovation
and visit to Holland for another mosque opening
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. Visit to Berlin by Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed
and Opening Ceremony of the Mosque after Renovation
It was a great pleasure for AAIIL Germany that Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed visited Berlin from 10th to 18th April. He specially visited to inaugurate the historic renovation of the Mosque exterior. It was a great moment of joy and thankfulness that God provided us opportunity to renovate this historic Mosque which is symbol of our golden past. The President of the UK Jamaat, Mr. Shahid Aziz , Mr. Azhar-ud-Din, Ms. Galida Badoella from Suriname and Mr. Muddasir Aziz from Holland participated and assisted in making arrangements. I am thankful to all for their help and sacrifice. People from all walks of life and our neighbours participated in the ceremony.
Below: Photographs of the Mosque at the April 2018 opening ceremony

On 17th April, Hazrat Ameer inaugurated the ceremony with recitation of Surah Fatiha (opening chapter of the Quran) and cutting the ribbon. See photographs below:

Link to brief video clip of opening prayer by Hazrat Ameer.
Later the programme started with recitation of the Holy Quran by Ms. Galida Badoella who recited and translated the verses in German. Hazrat Ameer addressed the audience and explained the importance of this mosque in Germany. He explained that it was Allah’s special Plan that he saved this Mosque during World war II so that true teachings of Islam should be explained to the world.
Below: Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed giving his address

Later I gave a presentation about the history of the Mosque. Architect Mr. Marcus Nitschke explained the phases already completed and future plan. Later on, representatives of Roman Catholic church, Roman Catholic Academy Berlin, Priest of Danish Church in charge of Long Night Programme, Friends of the Mosque, the Jewish community, HWPL and Bazme Adab Berlin presented their short comments. They congratulated and appreciated the efforts of the AAIIL. Our Neighbours presented an historic sketch of the Mosque by an artist who made it in 1965. An Arab representative gifted a beautiful frame of the Names of God for the Mosque which took one year to complete.
Below: Presentation by Imam of the Mosque Amir Aziz

Link to brief video clip of above presentation
Below: Audience listening to a speech

Below: Gifts presented to the Mosque

Link to brief video clip of above presentation of tapestry of names of Allah

Below: Various representatives of religions and organizations at the opening

Hazrat Ameer’s speech in Interfaith Programme
On 13th April the Baha’i community organized an Interfaith programme in which Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed was asked to speak about concept of God in Islam. Hazrat Ameer explained the topic in a scholarly way which was appreciated by all participants. Representatives of Hinduism, Christianity, the Baha’i and the Jewish faiths participated in the programme.
Participation in programme about the late Asma Jahangir
On 14th April Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, Galida Badoella and I participated in a programme organized by Bazme Adab Berlin in memory of the late Asma Jahangir (Pakistan human rights lawyer and campaigner). Hazrat Ameer paid tribute and lauded her services for humanity. He also explained her services for Pakistan and expressed his deep sorrow over this great loss. Other participants also talked about unprecedented services render by the late Asma Jahangir.
Visit of students from Denmark
On 18th April seventy students from Denmark visited the Berlin Mosque with their teachers. They were given a presentation followed by a question/answer session. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed also addressed the students and advised them to respect all religions and the whole
humanity. Later they planted a rose plant together with Hazrat Ameer as a friendship sign for the Mosque and the Danish church.

2. Other events
Participation in Easter Celebrations
On 1st April, I and my daughter Saleena Aziz participated in Easter celebrations of the Danish Church. Saleena Aziz prepared a colourful Easter wish card and on behalf of the AAIIL and took a cake to show harmony with the Christian community.
Trip to Frankfurt
On 2nd and 3rd April, I and my daughter Saleena Aziz visited Frankfurt to stay and meet with family members of the late Professor Zafar Iqbal. We went to the graveyard and prayed that may Allah bless his noble soul in paradise. We stayed there for two days and enjoyed sight-seeing and especially Heidelberg city which is known for its Universities. It is the place where the late Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal studied as well. I also delivered a lecture on the topic ‘Islam teaches Learning and not Ignorance’, for all family members. I am very grateful to brother Khurum and sister Sameera for their great hospitality. They served us with pleasure and kindness. May Allah bless them for their efforts.
Participation in Intercultural Programme
On 25th April the Ministry of Culture and Heritage organized an event and invited all Muslim organizations. I participated in the meeting which discussed how to organize a Muslim cultural day in Berlin. All participants presented their suggestions to plan a grand event.
Book Reading Ceremony in the Mosque
On 30th April a book reading programme was organized in the Mosque. It was announced in the media and attracted a large number of the public. The Mosque was full and people had to sit on the carpets and floor. It was arranged by the organization KIGA. A message from our district Mayor, Herr Reinhard Naumann, was read out, in which he appreciated this event. The Director of KIGA also addressed the audience. I was asked to present the history of the AAIIL and the Mosque which was appreciated. A writer, Mr. Igal Avidan, read out important parts of his book followed by questions by the audience. Looking at the interest of the public, two more book reading events will be arranged in the Mosque in coming months.

3. Opening Ceremony of a New Mosque in Holland
AAIIL Holland (Den Hague) held an International Convention on 20th and 21st April, on the occasion of the opening of a new mosque. AAIIL Holland bought a grand church building and made it into a mosque. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed opened the Mosque with a prayer and then leading the Friday prayer. The City Mayor and many dignitaries attended the ceremony. Many members from UK, Suriname and Germany attended the convention. It was a great step by the President and the members of the Jamaat that they took a great step for future generations. The new building consists of a big mosque, a grand hall, a big library, dining area and sufficient car parking . Hazrat Ameer appreciated the efforts of the AAIIL Den Hague and prayed that may Allah make this mosque a place of learning and centre for spread of Islam in Europe.
On this occasion some members who rendered services for Jamaat were honoured with special badges by the president Dr. Robert Amin. I am grateful to the Jamaat that it considered me for this honour as well.

On 22nd April AAIIL Rotterdam held a meeting about Miraj-un-Nabi. Hazrat Ameer and I delivered speeches about the concept of Miraj and importance of this event in the history of Islam.We are also grateful to the President and the members of AAIIL Rotterdam who collected 5500 euros for the Berlin Mosque and handed the amount to Hazrat Ameer.