Events in June 2018
Reports and photographs, and a brief video clip of Eid-ul-Fitr
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Mosque declared as National Monument
With the blessings of Allah and your prayers, the Berlin Mosque has been declared a National Monument of Germany by the Ministry of Culture and Media. It is a great success which will bring many achievements for the Mosque in future.
Archive Project
The project of Mosque Archive has been finalized. A Skype meeting was arranged from Berlin in which it was discussed with responsible for the project. It is great blessing of Allah that our history will be saved professionally by the relevant authority.
Special Birthday in the Mosque
On 2nd June a Familie Falk came to the Mosque to celebrate 90th Birthday of head of their family. More than 50 family members from various cities of Germany attended the event. I gave a presentation and later on presented the German translation of the Holy Quran to the head of the family. They visited the Mosque as they thought it most proper for him to visit a mosque which is almost of the same age.
Visit of Kindergarten
On 12th June Family Augurk Kita Mondschein Berlin kindergarten visited the Mosque. Children enjoyed the visit and liked information about the mosque. Children stayed and liked the way of prayer which they demonstrated. German translation of the Holy Quran was presented for the library.
Eid-ul-Fitr prayers
On 15th June Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated with jubilation and joy. This year Muslims from Germany, UK, Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and many African countries attended the prayer. The Priest of the Denmark Church participated with his staff members. After prayers lunch was served.

Link to brief video clip of the congregation inside the Mosque and arrival of the Imam
Participation in Interfaith Rally
On 24th June a bicycle rally was organized to show interfaith harmony among religious communities. Imams, Rabbis, Priests and members of various strata of society also participated in the programme. Politicians and Senators specially attended the event to promote harmony amongst religious communities.
Interfaith programme in the Mosque
On 25th June an interfaith dialogue was organized in the Mosque by the HWPL organization. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated. I represented Islam and we talked about the topic of the Power of Mind. It was an interesting event.
Visit of School
On 26th June Schule an der Haveldüne, a secondary school from Berlin, visited the Mosque. After a presentation, a question/answer session was conducted. Students asked many questions about Islam. The German translation of the Quran was presented for the school library and some copies were given to interested students.
Another visit of School
On 27th June, Jean Chandler School from Reinickendorf, Berlin visited the Mosque. After a presentation, a question/answer session was conducted. The German translation of the Quran was presented for the school library.
Visit of a Church
On 30th June a group of Evangelic Parish from Norf-Nievenheim visited with more than 60 young people in the guidance of Pastor Ms. Meyer-Claus Daniela. This group came from a distance of six hours from Berlin. All participants enjoyed the trip and spent a good time. The German translation of Quran was presented to the Pastor.
Some group photos from school visits
