Events in April 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Project of Digitization of Mosque Archive
It was need of the time to digitize and computerize the Mosque Archive. God’s help came here once again. Dr. Gerdien Jonker informed that an Indian research scholar Dr.des. Razak Khan (Research Fellow in the “ Modern India in German Archive”) is working on Archives and is interested in this project. They both visited on 4th April and we discussed it in detail. At the first stage, the Library of the Mosque will be catalogued and all documents will be scanned. Then professional research scholars will work on this archive and link it with the National Archive of Germany which will be a great advantage.
Shooting for Theatre Play
On 11th April directors and artists of the Theatre spent a full day in the Mosque and filmed a theatre play which is about the Syrian war and Refugees. Mostly artist were from Syria. It is about a wonderful theme: Colourful Aleppo in Future after War. They will show how the future will be colourful and our Mosque will be shown in this context. I will be a guest at the theatre when it will be played. Flyers were distributed to all.

Meeting with Officials of Deutsche Stiftung
On 12th April officials of the above mentioned organization, architects of renovation projects, head of Monument Department and related officials of District office visited the Mosque. They were given a presentation by me and later on we had a meeting in the Mission House over a cup of tea. After the meeting the officials approved a grant for the Mosque. They were presented with flyers about the Mosque.
Participation in Easter Celebrations
On 16th April was Easter celebration and I was invited by the Danish church. I participated in the celebration and presented a cake on behalf of AAIIL. It was appreciated and they put the card of our Mosque on the Dining Table with the cake. The head priest and administrative staff thanked the AAIlL for the solidarity visit and cake.

Visit of Turkish Students
On 19th April, 39 students with four guides visited the Mosque and were given a presentation about Islam, AAIIL and history of the Mosque. They came from Hanover and were presented flyers about Mosque.

Interfaith Programme in Mission House
On 20th April, HWPL held an interfaith dialogue on topic of Mention of Peace in each Religion, organized in Imam House. It was very cold and was not possible to sit longer in the Mosque, therefore the dialogue was organized in the Mission House. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. I represented Islam and the AAIIL point of view which was appreciated by all.
Visit by Unterwelten
A group guided by Unterwelten organization visited the Mosque. They were given a presentation and had a question/answer session. Flyers were distributed to all of them.
Interview by Photographer from Peru
On 22nd April a photographer from Peru in South America interviewed me for two hours. His university in Hanover, Germany has given him an assignment to prepare reportage of Imam and activities of the Mosque. He selected our Mosque and will visit many times to cover all activities, especially the Friday sermon. He was presented with the Spanish translation of the Holy Quran.
Visit of Austrian Experts
On 30th April, 20 Austrian experts on inter-religious encounters, with a focus on the Muslim-Jewish encounters, visited the Mosque with Dr. Gerdien Jonker. Dr. Jonker is a scholar who held the seminar about inter-religious encounter and explained to them the history and the role of our Mosque. Then she accompanied them to the Mosque where I gave them a presentation and held a question/answer session. All scholars appreciated our role. They were presented with flyers.
Two Muslim scholars were also present in the group. They asked for Maulana Muhammad Ali’s Translation of the Holy Quran. An Imam from Bosnia, who is Imam in Austria and also research scholar in the University, asked about the AAIIL and took material with him including Introduction to Islam and Islam, Peace and Tolerance by Dr. Zahid Aziz, and Jihad in Islam in Arabic and English by Maulana Muhammad Ali.
