Events in August 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Meeting with Scholars
On 7th August Dr. Gerdien Jonker and Prof Razaq visited and we discussed the future of the Mosque Archive, which is very important to be protected. They both gave valuable suggestions and would help in organizing it. I found hundred of historical pages which were all well kept by Imam Chaudhry Saeed Ahmad sahib. I put every paper in files and now we have more than eight new files. Dr. Jonker is working on these pages and she is making notes of each paper. It is blessings of Allah that we found lost treasure in a good shape.
Interview by Television
On 11th August RBB television recorded my Friday sermon about the topic of Alms and Zakat .They wanted to have an interview about spending of charity in Islam. After Friday prayer the interview was recorded. The main aim is to inform the public about concept of charity in Islam and how it is spent.
Participation in Independence Day programme
On 14th August, I participated in Independence Day organized by the Pakistan Embassy in Berlin. It was a nice programme and the Pakistani community participated in it with great jubilation.

Meeting with Deutsche Stiftung Denkmals
On 15th August was meeting with the officials of the above mentioned organization. We discussed the programme of Open Day of Monuments in Germany. Officials from the Architect office also participated in the meeting. It is the same organization which financed to repair facade of the Mosque. It was decided that this year the focus will be our Mosque and officials of the organization will also join us in the Open Day programme.
Interfaith Programme
On 17th August HWPL held an interfaith dialogue on topic of Birth, Aging, sickness and Death in every scripture. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. I represented Islam and explained all stages as described in the Holy Quran. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s book The Teachings of Islam is the best book one can consult in dealing with such questions.
Visit of School
Freie Waldorfschule High School from Benefeld visited the Mosque on 22nd August. This school is seven hours journey from Berlin and it is due to the blessings of Allah that our message is spreading far off in Germany. More than 35 students with their teachers visited and stayed for two hours. After the presentation, the question-answer session lasted long. A copy of the German translation of Holy Quran was presented for the School Library.

Visit of Tatarish Professor
On 27th August Prof.Dr. Diliara Usmanova from Tataristan University visited and stayed for more than four hours. She is working on the history of the Tatar community and its link with our Mosque. I learnt a lot form her about the history of the Mosque. This shows what great work has been done by this Mosque.
Guests from Poland
On 30th August a very devoted couple from Poland visited the Mosque with an honorable lady Ms. Ghasala Nasruddin from Berlin. Ms.Ghasala accepted Islam at the hands of Ch. Saeed Ahmad sahib who served the Mission with utmost devotion. The couple from Poland had a connection with the mosque since thirty years. They told that Imam Saeed Ahmad also used to visit their house in Poland. They were very happy to see the renovation work of the Mosque. Al-hamdu-lillah, that an old connection is renewed.
