Events in February 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Iran Embassy:
On 3rd February the Iran Embassy arranged a programme in International Hotel in Berlin to celebrate 38 years of the Iranian Revolution. The topic of the seminar was: Muslims in Europe. We were invited to participate in this programme. The interesting point was that the speakers mentioned our Mosque and its role in promoting Islam in Europe. We must be proud that even discussing the Iranian Revolution the role of our Mosque was highlighted. Later on the Embassy staff thanked us for our participation. The administration informed me that they will visit the Mosque soon.

Documentary and Interview:
An Israeli Scholar visited the Mosque on 4th and 7th February with a journalist from Germany to have my interview about Mosque History and specially about the Islamic marriage system. She is making a film about a Jewish girl, Anna, who accepted Islam in our Mosque and later got married to an Egyptian Muslim. Importance of this film is that it will be sent to the whole world for competition. In case if next year the film festival is in Berlin, then we will be chief guests of the film screening. The Interview was conducted as if I was Imam then in 1930. Azan and recitation of Surah Rahman was recorded. It was a very long interview for two days, about eight hours.

Visit of Ph.D. Scholars:
On 4th February, Dr. Gerdien Jonker visited with Ph.D. Scholars from UK, Netherlands, Georgia and India. Prof. Bukhari from UK has written many articles about the Woking Muslim Mission and the AAIIL. Scholars from Netherlands and Georgia are working on Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement at doctorate level. Muslims scholars prayed Maghrib prayer in the Mosque and then we had a discussion in the Mission House over a cup of tea, as it was too cold in the Mosque. The group stayed for one and half hours. The History of the Mosque by Syed Nasir Ahmad sahib was presented to them.

Visit of Members from Holland:
Our brother Naeem Nasrullah sahib and brother Mehboob with a carpenter visited once again for the completion of remaining work in the Mission House. They stayed for three days from 9th to 11th February and shared a lot of my burden. They worked with great devotion. They attended Friday prayer and were very happy to see the Mosque full with people. May Allah reward them for their efforts.

Visit of DkR:
A group of 25 students visited the Mosque on 11th Feb. They were given a presentation about the Mosque and the religion of Islam. The question/answer session was very long and interesting. Leaflets were distributed and the leader of the group was presented the Holy Quran and History of the Mosque.
Visit of Paulus Church Students:
On 13th February forty students of Paulus Church Berlin visited the Mosque with priestess Barbara Neubert. These young students will be baptized and before that they came to the Mosque to know about Islam. It was very a big group and they had questions about Islam and the AAIIL. They all prayed in theMosque to seek blessings. The same Church and the same priestess brought another group of 24 students on 16th of February as well. This group will be baptized as well and came to find about Islam. They were presented with a copy of German translation of Holy Quran for the Church. In two visits, 60 students came to the Mosque and learnt about Islam.

Visit of Gail S.Halvorsen Steglitz School:
On 21st February, 20 students of the above-mentioned school visited the Mosque. After the presentation they asked questions about Islam and the AAIIL. It was the class of students who were studying Islam in their class and they came with their teacher to have more information. A copy of the Holy Quran was presented for their school Library.

Programme by Monument Department:
On 23rd February I was invited by the Monument Department in the Parliament Building for the opening ceremony of the Monument Open Day which will be celebrated on 10th and 11th September. I represented the AAIIL. I informed the relevant personnel about our participation and thanked them on behalf of the Organization. Later on a guided tour was arranged for all participants. This year the Open Day Motto is Macht und Pracht (‘Power and Splendour’).
Programme by Tunisian Mosque:
On 26th February I was invited by Zetuna Mosque, Berlin. I attended their programme and met the Imam and other members. Again the interesting fact was that the main presenter talking about how Islam came to Europe discussed the AAIIL. The most important point is that he presented a chart about Muslims organizations in which Ahmadiyya was also included. I clarified about AAIIL and met the Imam who is a graduate from Al-Azhar. He was presented with the German Translation of the Holy Quran for which he thanked us and promised to visit our mosque.
