Events in January 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
1. Visit of IGM Berlin Group
On 10th January IGM Berlin group visited the Mosque. More than 30 men and women visited and stayed for one and a half hours. They were given a presentation followed by a question/answer session. It is a blessing of Allah that Islam’s true message and the AAIIL approach was successfully conveyed to them. They were also given literature and leaflets about the Mosque. The leader of the group was a very learned lady who specially thanked us for the trip.

2. Interview by an American Jewish Photographer
An American Jewish photographer, Mr. Andrew Lewis, visited the Mosque on 17th January and interviewed me briefly. He took photos of the Mosque and the Imam, which is part of his research for his graduation. He attended Friday prayer on 21st January and observed Friday prayer and took photos as well. He was given literature and leaflets.

3. Meeting of AKR
On 17th January I attended meeting of all religions organization AKR, which is oldest multi faith organization in Berlin. Matters of common interests were discussed in it. Long Night Programme and other activities were also discussed.
4. Interview for Documentary Movies Competition
A Turkish girl has been assigned the task to make a documentary film about our Mosque by her teachers. This will be presented in an Annual Competition of Documentaries. She conducted my extensive interview about the history of the mosque and the ideology of AAIIL. This shows the importance of our Mosque, that a documentary about it will be presented in the competition.
5. Interview for Research paper for Graduation
On 26th January, Mr. Kamran (a member of the Rabwah Jama‘at) conducted my interview about differences between the two Jama‘ats (his Jama‘at and the AAIIL) as this is topic of his research paper, assigned to him by his professor. He was also given literature about the topic.

6. Seminar by Students of Potsdam University
Another very important event organized in the Mosque was part of a seminar conducted by Dr. Phil. Janine Ziegler for students of Potsdam University . She accompanied twenty students who came to the Mosque at 11:00 on 27th January and stayed till 2:30 pm. We had a long session of presentation and a question/answer session till 1:15 pm . They stayed for the Friday sermon and prayer. Some joined the prayer and others observed it. It was Allah’s blessings that the Mosque was full on that Friday. Later on, Dr. Ziegler thanked us and asked to arrange more such programmes. Literature was presented to them.

7. Participation in 50 Years Celebrations of Church of Scientology
On 27th January the Church of Scientology celebrated its 50 years in Berlin. I participated in the programme which was lauded by the participants. Many members of the church took interest in our Mosque and visited it.
8. Visit of sister Nasma Nasrullah from Holland
Sister Nasma Nasrullah, her respected father Naeem Nasrullah sahib, along with a carpenter, visited the Berlin Mission and stayed for three days. She has done wonderful work and has completed renovation work of Mission house. She worked extremely hard and with dedication, for which I am thankful to her. May Allah bless her for this great sacrifice.
9. Interfaith Seminar organized in the Mosque
HWPL organization arranged a seminar in our Mosque on 30th January. This time the topic of presentations was Prophecies in Holy Scriptures of each religion. I represented Islam and AAIIL. A significant point was that the head of Buddhists temple in Berlin visited the Mosque for the first time in his life. He came with his members and was very happy to know about Islamic teachings and thanked AAIIL for inviting him to the Mosque. The Christian priest spoke about prophecies in the Bible and the Buddhist priest talked about the peaceful teachings of Buddha. It was a successful dialogue and all of them were given leaflets about the Mosque.

10. Brief Visit of Dr. Gerdien Jonker
On 30th January Dr. Gerdien Jonker visited and we had a brief meeting. She came to collect the book The Anti-Christ, Gog and Magog by Maulana Muhammad sahib. We discussed the topic briefly as renovation work was going on.