Events in July 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
One Day workshop in the Mosque
On 1st July, a one day workshop about dementia was held in our Mosque. It was arranged by a church organization. The same organization held a workshop last year on the same topic in our Mosque. They liked the atmosphere so much that they decided to do it again this year. More than 63 people attended. In the beginning I gave a presentation which was followed by a question-answer session. All participants were given flyers and many asked for the German translation of the Quran. More than 25 copies were distributed on that day.

Participation in Programme by Evenglich St. Thomas Church
On 8th July I was invited by the church to attend a very important programme. The Quranic and Arabic calligraphy of a famous calligrapher, Mr. Shahid Alam, was exhibited which was appreciated by all. Representatives of all religions recited and translated from their scriptures. I got the opportunity to introduce our Mosque and mission.
Peace demonstration by Imams of Germany and France
On 9th July Imams of Germany and France demonstrated for peace. I was invited to participate in the demonstration. Muslims of various countries were present there. The interesting point is that the President of Imams of France introduced me to all delegates who came with him. They offered me to go with them on a bus trip for one week as all Imams went on bus trip to France for peace demonstration. Unfortunately I could not accompany them as the next day at 10th July was my hand surgery.
Visit of School
On 11th July a group of high school students visited the Mosque. After the presentation, the question-answer session lasted for almost two hours. All students asked questions and were satisfied with our views. The Quran was presented for the school library and also given to interested individuals.
Attended School Programme
On 13th July I was invited by the teachers and student of Löcknitz-Grundschule school who had already visited us. Students prepared a very good project to remember all famous personalities of Germany. Each student laid a brick with details written on it, to build a wall. It was a very nice programme. Principal, teachers and students thanked me for my participation.

Visits of Roman Catholic Academy Berlin
15th July was a very busy day. First, Dr Gerdien Jonker visited with her guests and we discussed the AAIIL for one hour. Then at 5 pm a group of Muslims and non-Muslims together visited the Mosque. This walk was organized by Roman Catholic Academy Berlin. Dr. Thomas Würtz
was leader of the group. He is a very well-known personality and takes active part in interfaith programmes. After the presentation, he addressed and presented a very nice book about the oldest Roman Catholic church for the Mosque library. In response I presented him with a copy of the German translation of Holy Quran. All participants were very happy to know about AAIIL and its efforts to present peaceful Islam.

Participation in Urdu Afsana (short story reading) Night
On 15th July, ‘Urdu Bazme Adab’ Berlin organized an Urdu Afsana programme in which I was invited to read my Afsana. I read my Afsana (Zinda Lash) which was appreciated by all participants. Details of the programme were published in many newspapers.
Interview published by Vice Deutschland
On 24th July an interview with me was published by Vice Deutschland under the title ‘10 Questions by an Imam’. Interview can be read from following link.
It was liked and after that another interview was also conducted which will be published in another magazine.
Three photos are in the above article. One of them is as below:

Visitor from Thüringen
On 24th July a lady from Thüringen, a city far away from Berlin, visited the Mosque with her granddaughter. She wanted to show her the Mosque and Islamic culture. She told that she herself is non-religious but wants her granddaughter to be educated about all religions. I discussed with them about Islam and gave her a copy of the Holy Quran. Praise be to Allah that the name of our Mosque is now reaching other cities and countries.
Guests from Poland
On 28th July young devoted Abdullah, son of Major Iqbal Ahmad sahib of Pakistan, visited the Mosque from Poland. He was in Poland for his internship programme. He stayed a few days and helped me a lot in the management of the Mosque. He is a dedicated son of a dedicated father and devoted family. He is grandson of the late Master Asghar Ali sahib who served the Woking Mission in the 1950s. It is a good sign that our members are now visiting and assisting the Mosque and mission.

Interfaith Programme
On 28th July, HWPL held an interfaith dialogue on the topic of the concept of ‘Good and Evil’ in every scripture. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. I represented Islam and explained the concept of good and evil as described in the Quran.