Events in May 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Interfaith Harmony Walk
On 4th May an interfaith harmony walk was organized which ended at our Mosque. Men and women from different walks of life visited a church, synagogue and our Mosque. They reached the Mosque at 5 pm where we welcomed them with water, juices etc. A presentation about the Mosque history and peaceful teachings of Islam was given, which was followed by a question/answer session. It was headed by Mr. Klaus-Dieter Gröhler who is Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages (Member of German Parliament). It was a very beneficial programme as we were able to present our point of view to the participants. The Member of Parliament was very happy to visit the Mosque and knowing our point of view. He sent special thanks for that.

Participation in Buddha Birthday celebrations
On 6th May was the birthday of Buddha which was celebrated by Chinese Temple Berlin. I was invited to attend the event. I took a birthday cake on behalf of the AAIIL which was appreciated by the management. It was big event with a lots of activities.
Acceptance of Islam
On 12th May Mr. Rolf from Norway accepted Islam in our Mosque. I explained to him about Islam and AAIIL for one hour. He was presented with the English translation of Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali. He was also presented with tyhe book ‘Introduction to Islam’ by Dr.Zahid Aziz and Concept of Jihad by Maulana Muhammad Ali. Please pray that may Allah bless him with more knowledge of Islam .
Visit of PhD Scholar from Tatarstan
On 19th May Dr. Gerdien Jonker visited the Mosque with Prof. Dr. Diliara Usmanova, a Tatar scholar and University professor. She was interested in the Islamic Review in which history of Tatar scholars is described when they were members of our Mosque. Important scholars of Tatarstan were connected to the Mosque. She got a lot of material. They stayed for two hours and asked to come next time as well to get other material. Dr. Jonker and I explained the mission and ideology of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the mission of the AAIIL.

Visit of School
On 19th May Löchnitz Grundschule School visited the Mosque with their teachers. After a presentation, many students were shown practically how to lead prayer. Many Muslim students also demonstrated as Imam and led prayer. All students enjoyed the trip and found it informative. It is the blessings of Allah that the message of Islam and the AAIIL is being passed on to the young minds who will be future of this country.

Long Night and Church Open Day Celebrations
This year the Long Night programme in Berlin was celebrated on 25th May. It was Church day in Germany and more than one million people across the world visited Germany. Berlin was the hub of activities. More than one hundred and fifty people visited the Mosque. A larger group tour was organized by the Long Night and Church Day organizers and visited the Mosque with the news media. It was a very important programme and people of many countries visited. Flyers were distributed to all, followed by a presentation and a question/answer session. Thanks to Mr. Muddasir Aziz who specially came from Holland to help me in arrangements.

Visit of College students from Indiana USA
On 30th May students of Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, USA visited the Mosque with Prof. Margaret Hampton, Ph.D. She is professor of German Language in the Department of Language and Literature. All students enjoyed a presentation and a question/answer session. I explained to them about the Black Muslims organization and the role of the AAIIL. The professor was presented with a copy of the German translation of Holy Quran and other material.

Interfaith Programme
On 31st May, HWPL held an interfaith dialogue on the topic of Violent Extremism & Truth in Scripture, which was organized in our Mosque. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. I represented Islam and the AAIIL point of view, which was appreciated by all.
Tarawih Prayer in Berlin Mosque
Al-hamdu-lillah, we are having regular Tarawih prayer in the Berlin Mosque during this Ramadan, and it is the blessings of Allah.