Events in April 2019
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
International Conference in Romania
On 1st April, an international conference on 30 years of the collapse of Communism was organized by HWPL in Romania. Almighty Allah provided me opportunity to represent Islam in the conference. I was asked to talk on the topic of The Role of Religion for Global Peace. It was attended by former Presidents of Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and the former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan. Religious leaders of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism etc participated as well. The conference began with an opening speech by the former President of Romania Mr. Emil Constantinescu. I spoke about the peaceful teachings of Islam, and this was appreciated by the participants.

Visit of School
On 9th April Elementary school at Traveplatz Berlin visited the Mosque. Students were given a presentation about Islam and the Mosque. They asked questions which were answered. A copy of the German translation of the Holy Quran was presented to the teacher for the school library.
Another visit of School
On 10th April Wetzlar Elementary school Berlin visited the Mosque. After a presentation, a question-answer session was conducted. A copy of the German translation of Holy Quran was presented to the teachers for the school library.
Lecture in a Church
On 11th April, the AKR interfaith organization arranged a programe in a Church. I was asked to talk on Democracy and Hierarchy in Islam. Three representative of different religions and organizations talked about the same topic. Later on questions from the audience were answered.
Easter Celebrations
On 21st April, I visited the Danish Church and participated in Easter celebrations. I presented a cake on behalf of AAIIL and presented best wishes to the participants. We enjoyed the event and stayed there till lunch time.
Visit of Church members
On 25th April a group of Evangelisches church members from the remote city of Würzburg visited the Mosque. It is blessings of God that now the Mosque name is spread far and wide. Participants were very happy and excited to know information about Islam and the Mosque. A very interesting question-answer session was conducted.

Participation in Breakfast
On 27th April, the Mayor’s office of our district organized a breakfast and fashion show. AAIIL was represented by me. It was a nice programme attended by a large number of residents.
Visit of Mr. Jamal Iqbal
He is a young and dedicated son of our brother Iqbal Ahmad of Lahore. He visited the Mosque and stayed for a week. He has got admission in a German university for his masters programme. He helped and assisted me during his stay in cleaning and maintaining the Mosque. May Allah bless him for his dedication . I hope he will be an asset for the mission in the future as well.

Taraweeh Prayers
With Ramadan having started at the beginning of May, with the blessings of Allah we are having regular Taraweeh prayers in the Mosque. Every day, one chapter of the Holy Quran is recited and people are participating with enthusiasm.