Events in September 2019
including Monument Open Days
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
The month of September 2019 was busy and full of activities. Here is a brief report.
Participation in Interfaith Programme
On 1st September an interfaith programme was organized in a church by a filmmaker in which representatives of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism participated. It was recorded by professionals and will be later telecast on Television. It was well attended. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed was specially introduced as Head of AAIIL and welcomed in the programme. Dr. Zahid Saeed from USA, Ms. Galida Badoella from Suriname, Ms. Gowsia Saleem from India, Ms. Sabeena Bushra, Harrisa Aziz and Saleena Aziz also attended the programme. I represented and talked about Islam. Later I answered questions by the moderator and followed by questions by the audience.

Below: Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed with the Buddhist representative

Monument Open Days
On 7th and 8th September Monument Open Days were celebrated in the Germany. Our Mosque being a National Monument of Germany, also participated in the programme. The Mosque remained open from 11:00 am till 17:00 on both days. With the blessings of Allah it was a greatly successful event. More than 500 people visited the Mosque in these two days. A presentation was repeated every hour and after every presentation Hazrat Ameer gave a message of the peaceful, tolerant and rational Islam which was appreciated by all participants. The Holy Quran and other Islamic literature was distributed.
I am grateful to Muhammad Ali from UK who also gave the presentations and helped me. I thank Ch. Saadat Ahmad from Pakistan, Syed Nasir Ahmad from UK, Dr. and Mrs. Zahid Saeed from USA, Ms.Galida Badoella from Suriname, Mr. and Mrs Abdul Aziz and their children from Germany, Mr. A.S. Santoe from Holland, Dr. Jawad Ahmad from UK, Ms.Gowsia Saleem from India, Ms.Sabeena Bushra, Mr. Mohmmad Jamal, Ms. Harrisa Aziz, Ms.Saleena Aziz and Furqan Aziz who helped us in organizing the event successfully, Their efforts and endeavors are commendable as they were a great source of strength for me. Special thanks are due to Ms. Galida Badoella and Ms. Gowsia Saleem who helped both in the Mosque and with household tasks.
Here is a link to the website of the Berlin Monument Authority, Landesdenkmalamt Berlin, advertising the Open Days at our Mosque.
Photos below show visitors at the Open Days
addressed by the Imam Amir Aziz and Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed

World Peace Summit
On 9th September a World Peace summit was organized in Hilton Hotel, Berlin by a Korean organization. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed was keynote speaker of the summit which was well attended by representatives of European countries. His speech was appreciated by all participants and the organizers. Executives of the organization later visited the Imam House to specially thank Hazrat Ameer for his speech and presented gifts to him.

Book Stall
On 13th and 14th September the Mayor office of our district organized a fest to show harmony in the society. We were given a free stall to place our books and promotional material of the Mosque. Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed inaugurated the stall, and later he left for Pakistan. Special thanks are due to Ms.Galida Badoella and Sabeena Bushra who organized the stall very well.

Commemoration of martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain
On 21st September Bazme Adab Berlin organized a Musha‘ira (poetry readind) to commemorate the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Husain. Ms. Galida Badoella from Suriname was invited as chief guest of the ceremony. She recited a Hamd (religious poem) which was appreciated by all participants. Later all poets and writers recited their poems and paid homage to Hazrat Imam Husain on his great sacrifice for the sake of Islam.
Visit of Church group
On 21st September a group of students of a church from a remote city (Niendorf Breiten Felde) of Germany visited the Mosque. It was a big group of students and remained for two hours in the Mosque. The question-answer session was very interesting and challenging. A copy of the German translation of Holy Quran was presented to the group leader.
School visit
On 26th September students from Evengelich Schule Schonefelde visited the Mosque. Students and teachers enjoyed the presentation. Members of the group asked many questions which were answered. A copy of the German translation of Holy Quran was presented to the teachers for the school library.
Visit of Trainee teachers
On 29th September trainee teachers from Berlin visited the Mosque. After a presentation, a question-answer session was conducted. Participants were very enthusiastic and asked very important questions. The group leader was presented with a copy of the German translation of the Holy Quran.
Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed’s stay in Berlin
Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed’s stay in Berlin was a great success. During his stay he delivered Friday sermons which were highly appreciated by all. He delivered Dars Quran (talks on the Quran) for 15 consective days after the Fajr prayer. He attended meetings with the architect and other organizations. He presided over the exectuive meeting of the AAIIL Deutschland e.V. We are thankful to him for his visit and his great efforts in making Berlin Mosque and Mission a great success.