Events March–August 2020
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
(Note: The monthly reports were interrupted due to the events being affected and cancelled by the Coronavirus restrictions. This report brings the events up to date to the end of August 2020.)
Mehrab of the Mosque Renovated
The mehrab of the Mosque has been renovated. Original colours have been restored with new calligraphy. All doors and windows of the Mosque have been repainted to the original colours. An organization, Deutsche Stiftun Denkmals, very generously paid an amount for this phase.
YouTube channel ILAM
With the help and guidance of the Central Anjuman, the ILAM channel has been set up by a very dedicated team. It will be a great source of information and propagation of Islam and AAIIL in the future. Currently it is broadcasting in Urdu, English, Dutch and Indonesian languages. More languages will be added later. You are all requested to please subscribe to the channel to make it successful.
Into the fold of Islam:
With the blessings of Allah, from March to August 2020 the following noble souls took Shahada in the Mosque:
- Mr. Christoph Kückner took Shahada on March 16 and was given Islamic name Shiraz.
- Mr. Angel Nikolov took Shahada on May 29.
- Ms. Concetta Guisephina Perlick took Shahada on July 02.
- Ms. Kardin Richert took Shahada on July 03.
- Mr. Karym Maher Elsyed took Shahada on August 21.
- Ms. Sabrina Ciro took Shahada on August 31.
Basic teachings of Islam and AAIIL were explained to them and they were presented with Islamic literature. Members are requested to pray that may Allah help each of them to live the life of a true Muslim.
Coronavirus situation
Since March 16, mosques and all places of worship have been closed down for all activities. We have started an online Friday prayer service for worshippers. By the grace of Allah, people from Germany and other countries are benefiting from this service. Prayers and sermons can be followed on the Facebook page, Die Moschee Berlin.
With the blessings of Allah, the Mosque remained open and active, with due precautions, during the Corona pandemic. From May 5th mosques have been officially allowed to conduct programmes and daily prayers.
Ramadan Taraweeh Prayer
With the blessings of Allah Ramadan, activities were carried out during Ramadan. Taraweeh prayer was regularly conducted from the Mosque online. Many members and non-members in different countries benefited from the online facility.
Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated with the great zeal. Muslims from Egypt, Tunis, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mali, Algeria, Syria and Germany attended the Eid prayer at the Mosque. Due to Coronavirsu measures, the prayer was conducted twice to accommodate everyone. Many also benefited from the online service.

Meeting of Burger Platform
On June 17, a meeting of Burger (i.e., Citizen) Platform was conducted in the Mosque. People from various walks of life attended the meeting. The history of the Mosque was presented. It was a nice programme which provided an opportunity to introduce the Mosque and the Movement.
Participation in Interfaith Meeting
On June 24, an interfaith meeting was organized by HWPL online. Religious leaders of various faiths discussed the topic of Religious festivals.
Meeting in District Office
On June 22, a meeting of the representatives of various religions was held in the District office. The impact of Coronavirus on religious activities was discussed. Precautions were discussed to make the lives of people safe.
Participation in Interfaith Meeting
On July 20, an interfaith meeting was organized by HWPL online. Religious representatives discussed the topic, Corona: a test or Punishment of God.
Eid-ul-Adha was celebrated with religious fervour. Muslims from Egypt, Tunis, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mali, Algeria, Syria and Germany attended the Eid prayer at the Mosque. Many also benefited from the online service.

Participation in Interfaith Meeting
On August 17, an interfaith meeting was organized by HWPL online. Religious representatives discussed the topic, Purpose of Education in Religion.
Visit of Group from Roman Catholic Academy
On August 26, a group of scholars from Roman Catholic Academy visited the Mosque. A professor from the Goethe University led the group and thanked me for the presentation which was followed by a question-answer session. A copy of the German translation of the Quran was presented to the leader.
Visit by Group from Neighbours Club
On August 27, a group from Neighbours club visited the Mosque and a meeting was held in the Mosque. After the presentation various matters were discussed.
We pray that may Allah keep you all healthy and safe from the danger of Coronavirus. We are praying for every member and hope that Allah will bestow His blessings on the whole of humanity. Please take care of yourselves and follow the instructions of your government.