Events in June 2017
Reports and photographs
by Amir Aziz, Imam Berlin Mosque
Note: The report for Eid-ul-Fitr, 25 June 2017, is given separately at this link.
Speech in a Church
On 3rd June I was invited by a church which hosted a grand Iftar programme for Muslims of Berlin from all walks of life. I was asked to give a lecture on Ramadan, which with the blessings of Allah was appreciated. Later on I was asked to lead the Maghrib prayer. Muslims of many countries were there and all thanked me for my speech and leading the prayer. It was a great event and the message of AAIILwent across well.
Visits of Freie University Berlin
On 6th June a group of Freie University Berlin visited the Mosque. The interesting point is that a group of students visited a few months ago and then all students came with their group to visit the mosque and know its history. After the presentation, a question-answer session was held and went very well. Another group of the same University visited on 9th June which also went very well. It is the blessings of Allah that interest of the general society is increasing about visiting our Mosque and knowing the real message of Islam.
Participation in Programme by Islamic Organization
Ramadan is a month of great activities and festivity in Berlin. On 12th June Islamic organization arranged a great Iftar programme in which people of all faiths participated. I was also invited. It was a nice event and I was able to present our message to the participants.
Participation in AKR 70 Years Anniversary
On 23rd June it was 70 years since the foundation of AKR. It is one of the oldest interfaith organization in which our Mosque was the most active member. I was invited to participate in the ceremony which was arranged in a very big church. It was a very nice programme and I was introduced as Imam of the oldest mosque which was active in participating. Now, al-hamdu-lillah, we have regained the position in this organization.
Guests from Ukraine
On 25th June Dr. Manzoor sahib, son of a very devoted member from Saifdhery, Peshawar, Pakistan, the late Abdul Bari Khan sahib, visited Berlin the mission for one week with his family. It was very nice to have these devoted members as they helped me a lot in various activities. His son Taimur and daughter Maryam were a great help for the mission. They helped in all managerial work which otherwise I have to deal alone. I thank whole family for visit and help.
Visit of school
On 27th June at 9:00 am Evangelische Grundschule (Primary School) Wilmersdorf, Berlin, visited the Mosque. Then at 11:00 am another group from a High school visited the Mosque with their teachers. After a presentation, many students were shown practically how to lead prayer. All the students enjoyed the trip and found it informative. By the blessings of Allah the message of Islam and the AAIIL is being passed on to the young minds who will be future of this country.
Interfaith Programme
On 29th June HWPL held an interfaith dialogue on the topic of Trustworthy Scripture. Representatives of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam participated in the dialogue. Dr. Manzoor sahib from Ukraine and I represented Islam and the AAIIL point of view, which was appreciated by all.
Visit of School students
On 30th June another group of students of Evangelische Grundschule (Primary School) Wilmersdorf visited the Mosque with their teachers. They were given a presentation and a good question-answer session was conducted.
Photographs of the above occasions
